Why EcoGreen?
Published by EcoGreen Organic on Thursday, December 27, 2007 at 1:23 AM.
Authentic Organic
Having been in the business since 1998, EcoGreen has established its reputation as providing authentic organic food.
Our organic supplies are from trusted sources, companies that have been involved in the organic business for many years, and organizations that are run by people who are truly passionate about the organic concept.
Our local fresh vegetables supplies come from Titi Eco Farm, GK Organic Farm, Choo's Organic Farm (Cameron Highlands), Vision Organic Farm...
Our culinary policy
At EcoGreen we strive to provide healthy food for you.
Therefore, our food is cooked with
Having been in the business since 1998, EcoGreen has established its reputation as providing authentic organic food.
Our organic supplies are from trusted sources, companies that have been involved in the organic business for many years, and organizations that are run by people who are truly passionate about the organic concept.
Our local fresh vegetables supplies come from Titi Eco Farm, GK Organic Farm, Choo's Organic Farm (Cameron Highlands), Vision Organic Farm...
Our culinary policy
At EcoGreen we strive to provide healthy food for you.
Therefore, our food is cooked with
NO MSG (monosodium glutamate)
NO Transfat
NO Microwaving
NO Artificial Flavouring
NO Artificial Preservatives
NO Artificial Colouring
NO Transfat
NO Microwaving
NO Artificial Flavouring
NO Artificial Preservatives
NO Artificial Colouring
Hi I stumbled upon your blog when I followed the website link. Thanks for going the organic way and enlightening people on the need to eat healthy and live healthy. I came by via Xing and I would certainly visit your cafe the next time I go to KL. Keep up the good work for EcoGreen. The world needs more greenies like you and your family.